About us

Homigreen Barak

Sheffa´s best-selling product improves minerals absorption while enriching the soil with natural organic matter.

Contains Humic and Fulvic acid extract (at least 15%), enriched with 3% K2O.  

Humic and Fulvic acids are organic molecules which improve the absorption of nutrients in the soil and in hydroponic crops. These molecules bond with the essential mineral ions, using a kind of “claw” that grasps them so they are not locked in the soil, while at the same time keeping them accessible for plants upon need.

HomiGreen Barak was produced especially for the purpose of increasing mineral plant absorption.
By adding HomiGreen Barak to the fertilization regime, your plant benefits:

without Homigreen Barak
After the use of Homigreen Barak

Recommended application: Direct injection into the irrigation system or direct percolation to the plant in regular dosages.
Recommended dosage:  At least 10 lt/ha (1 liter/dunam) three times during the stages of growth, at six-week intervals.
For optimal results, it is recommended to apply Kinneret Iron (Fe), right after the use of Homigreen Barak.
within 24 hours.
Supply: 10L Jerrycan / 1000L IBC / bulk.


Exciting News to SHEFFA

From day one, the aim of our company is to provide farmers with a high-quality, accurate and custom-made fertilizers along with professional advice and guidance.

Our Activities in Zambia

Last January, our CMO, Or Koren and our Chief Agronomist, Eyal Kdoshim, held an introduction conference to local farmers in Zambia, along with the local

Proper Use of Fertilizes

Fertilizer is a liquid or solid mixture of several chemical elements. The different types of fertilizer have different properties that vary according to their type and