Kinneret Sheffa
Crystallization [°C] | pH (±1) | Specific weight 25°C (±0.03) | Content in 1 L | Suitable for | Dosage per dunam | Instructions for Use |
5 | 7.5 | 1.3 | 20 g iron EDDHSA chelation (1.5%), 9 manganese (Mn) EDTA chelation, 5 g zinc (Zn) chelation, 1 g copper (Cu) EDTA chelation, 0.5 g molybdate (Mo) EDTA chelation. | All types of crops.
3 L of solution in 2-3 doses over 2 weeks. | · Shake well before use.
· Suitable for injection into irrigation system, drippers or sprinkling. |
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